Employee onboarding is a crucial process for any organisation, setting the tone for new hires and ensuring they integrate smoothly into the company's culture and operations. While the basic principles of onboarding apply universally, the approach should be customised to the specific needs of different groups.

C-suite executives, lateral hires, and campus recruits all have unique requirements and expectations. Multi-level onboarding kits, designed to address these distinct needs, can significantly enhance the onboarding experience, building engagement, productivity, and retention.

Unique Challenges and Requirements in Effective Onboarding

Mandaala understands that the onboarding experience sets the tone for a new hire's journey within a company. That’s why it emphasises the ability to fully customise onboarding kits, allowing clients to form a wide range of personalised kits, trophies, and gift options. This flexibility ensures that each company can create a warm, branded welcome that perfectly aligns with its unique culture and values.

C-Suite Executives

C-suite executives, such as CEOs, CFOs, and COOs, enter organisations with a high level of experience and expertise. However, their onboarding needs are complex and multifaceted. They need to quickly grasp the company’s strategic vision, operational structure, and key performance metrics. They also need to build relationships with other senior leaders and understand the corporate culture from a leadership perspective.

For C-suite executives, Mandaala offers bespoke combo options within each onboarding kit, allowing new hires to choose the most suitable kit based on their individual preferences and needs. Whether they favour a tech-focused kit, a wellness-oriented kit, or a combination of both, these thoughtfully curated combos provide unparalleled flexibility and convenience, ensuring a seamless and personalised onboarding experience. This approach empowers new executives with the power to choose the options that best suit their requirements, building a sense of autonomy and satisfaction from the very beginning.


Lateral Hires

Lateral hires bring valuable industry experience and fresh perspectives to an organisation. However, they often face the challenge of adapting to new processes, tools, and company culture. To bridge the gap between their previous experiences and the new environment, their onboarding should be thoughtfully designed and comprehensive.

Mandaala offers an extensive selection of products that can be customised to meet specific needs and preferences, ensuring that every new hire feels valued and appreciated from day one. From branded office supplies and tech gadgets to wellness products and personalised merchandise, Mandaala provides everything necessary to make a lasting impression. The goal is to ensure a seamless transition for lateral hires, helping them integrate smoothly and contribute effectively to their new roles.


Campus Recruits

Effective onboarding is essential for campus recruits as it facilitates a smooth transition from an academic to a professional environment, ensuring they quickly acclimate to their new roles. Good onboarding provides these new graduates with the foundational skills and knowledge necessary to perform their job functions competently. It also integrates them into the company culture, building a sense of belonging and engagement. By addressing both their professional development and cultural integration, comprehensive onboarding helps accelerate their competence, boosts confidence, and enhances overall job satisfaction, ultimately leading to higher retention rates and productivity.

Mandaala provides customised onboarding kits which can include their names or company logos that can include a variety of items such as bags, bottles, and mugs, all branded to reflect the company's identity. This personalisation helps recently onboarded employees feel valued and welcomed from their very first day. Numerous corporations have successfully utilised Mandaala's onboarding solutions, with positive testimonials emphasising the effectiveness and quality of the kits. This trust from over 150 large corporations underscores Mandaala's capability in enhancing employee onboarding experiences.


Why Choose Mandaala?

  • Removes Manual Touchpoints - Mandaala automates the onboarding process, reducing the administrative burden and ensuring a seamless experience for new hires.
  • 5000+ Products - Mandaala offers a diverse catalogue of over 5000 products, ensuring that each onboarding kit can be uniquely tailored to reflect your company's brand and values.
  • Complete Customisation - Every onboarding kit can be fully customised to meet the specific needs of your new recruits, from the items included to the packaging and personalised touches. This guarantees a unique and engaging onboarding experience.
  • Convenient Delivery: Employees only need to provide their address, and the kits will be delivered directly to their doorstep, making the onboarding process even more convenient and hassle-free.


Investing in multi-level onboarding kits is a strategic move that yields significant benefits in terms of employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. By recognising and addressing the unique needs of C-suite executives, lateral hires, and campus recruits, organisations can create a more inclusive, engaging, and effective onboarding experience. This approach not only helps new hires feel welcomed and valued but also sets the stage for their long-term success within the company.

Mandaala's customisable onboarding solutions highlight the importance of personalised touches and flexible options, enhancing the onboarding process and fostering a sense of belonging and motivation among new employees. Connect with us today and experience the difference for yourself.

Mandaala is the solution arm of PrintStop India Pvt. Ltd for corporates and large enterprises.